
Help me to avoid Late OR Undelivered orders

Brief Video guide

Download the SatnavAssistant application from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store

Register or login to the application.

Please remember that you will only have to complete these assisting items once and that they will then probably last until you change address (unless you choose to add to or edit them in the future). It is therefore worth spending a little time on this part of setting up your application.

Below you will find a number of options which will allow you to assist your service to locate your address. You may select one, more or all of these options. Please hover over the “i” icon of each option for explanation and assistance when first using this app.

Please be aware that only the first three digits of your last name will be required.

  • TEXT

Write a brief description explaining how to accurately locate your address, along with a description of your address. Click here to begin writing your text, when finished click on the upload button (you can change or edit this later at any time).
Write your text manually and take a picture of it to upload.


Write clear text describing where you want the delivery to be left if you are not at home. You can include an image, diagram or video of this location if you think it will help. Ensure that this location is within 50 meters of you address

  • MAP

This can be a hand drawn map or a map with your own text, arrows etc. giving a clear description of the location of your address. Once completed, please take a photograph of your map and click on the upload button.
Draw your map manually and take a picture of it to upload.


Use the video facility on your phone to give a clear description of how to access your address and what it looks like. Upload your video when done.

When you have uploaded those of the above items that you wish to upload, click the “Submit” button. If you wish to access your individual “SNAID” number, simply log out of the app and log back in again. Your SNAID number will be displayed at the top of your App.

Please note:

You can change / edit / update any of the above items at any time. When creating any of the above assistant types, always bear in mind the direction that the service is likely to be coming from. If necessary, adjust the above descriptions to include approaches from alternative directions.


Please remember that you can use your App to add information, relating to unusual access conditions, such as road works, local flooding etc., allowing the driver to avoid these obstacles.